Lin Lee For Prime Chin-ister? Flick & Tim Get An Exclusive Rundown

Chin's manager spills the tea

28 August 2018

Ebony Reeves


This morning Flick & Tim received an exclusive insight beyond Lin Lee Chin’s not-so-subtle tweet at the Labour and Greens parties, stating “I can beat him” with #PrimeChinister.



Leaving all of Australia like…

Lee Lin’s manager and business partner Chris Leben said he has been fielding email responses from major political parties discussing options for getting Lee Lin on board. He confirmed the Greens as one of the approaching parties, and hinted the Labour party may have also been in touch.

“The Australian public wants her. And who would be better to be an MP than the reader of word news for 30 years. She’s incredibly informed. She knows the good side and the bad side of politics. She knows a lot of politicians having worked as a journalist. She’s kind of like the right fit. And she already has an audience that will listen to her.”

- Chris Leben

Lin Lee is currently in Singapore, but will return to Australia on Friday, and Leben says there will be a serious discussion when she lands.

Hear the full chat with Chris Leben below!