LISTEN: The Hilarious Chat With A Spunky Volunteer Firey Who's Up For A Mystery Date

Raising money for equine recovery

2 July 2021


The horrible, awful fires that engulfed Wooroloo and surrounds last week have, once again, led Perth to dig deep and help those affected by such a devastating tragedy.

As always, in times of such crisis, we see all sorts of things offered to help raise money. And in this case, a hot date with a hot 22 year old volunteer firefighter.

That's right ladies. To help the equine animals who may have suffered respiratory or burn injuries, a Facebook Group has been created where members can put stuff up for auction, and someone dobbed in Brandon Ivic.

The bidding is now open to win a date with Brandon, who had this to say about the mystery date. As in, a complete mystery!

"I haven't been given any details on what's going to happen. They've got sponsors, I'm getting picked up and taken out,

"They said 'but how you get home, is up to you!'"


The post that went up on the page has been getting some serious interest.

Classic last thoughts from Matt:

"It's just refreshing to see a male profile that doesn't include a fish or them getting their wang out, really"

Good on you Brandon! Lots of fun and good luck on the auction.

For more on the Facebook Group and how you can help - click HERE

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