Looking After Man’s Best Friend.

Dog Coronavirus Warning.

14 July 2020

Bonnie Ferguson

Hobart dog owners are being warned of a potential canine coronavirus outbreak. Disclaimer -  this is not the same virus that has been affecting humans, but a doggy version of the virus.

We want to give a heads up to the dog owners living in the Clarence area! There have been reports of multiple dog related virus cases popping up in a Clarence dog park with reports of the illness spreading across the greater Hobart area. 

Clarence City Council have released information that the hot spot for this dog affecting illness has been located at South Street dog park in Bellerive. The Clarence City Council have placed information signs up in the area asking for dog owners to make sure they are disposing of their dog’s excrement correctly. They have also asked that if your dog has been under the weather in the last six weeks to not use the facility.

One more time for the people in the back - this is not the same virus that has been affecting humans, but a doggy version of the virus.