MAFS Love Expert John Finally Called Out Susie’s Horrible Behaviour

Thank you!

3 March 2019

Entertainment News Team

Image: Channel Nine

This season of MAFS has seen it all - cheating, verbal abuse, secret recordings, and even a smashed bowl - there’s been a lot of bad.

But throughout the process so far, it has felt like the Love Experts (the only form of authority these wild couples seem to face) have let horrible behaviour off with barely a slap on the wrist.

Last night, however, we FINALLY saw a real talking to from John Aiken who called out Susie for her narcissistic and patronising attitude towards husband Billy.

After telling Billy he "had no balls" and "wasn't man enough," all while talking down to him and sprinkling her sentences with the word "darling", John chimed in with this: 

“I’m gonna jump in. Because I can’t just sit here anymore and hear the way you talk. It’s doing my head in.” 


Take a look at what happened next:

This is probably my favourite part:

Susie: “I’m contributing by being myself and Billy and I don’t like each other.”

John: “No.”

Yeah you don’t have permission to treat someone like shit and then justify it by saying you’re just 'being yourself'.

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