Mak Has Discovered The Perfect Way To Get Involved This World Kindness Day

This will last longer than just one day

13 November 2019

Ebony Reeves

Toowoomba Chronicle

This morning Mak caught up with Tasha Irvine in celebration of World Kindness Day.

Tasha is the woman behind the 'Hardcore Rockers' here on the Fraser Coast, a group with around 6,900 members who leave rocks with painted pictures and uplifting messages on them across the Fraser Coast and around the world. 

Tasha said the painted rocks don't just inspire the people who find or receive them, but they also have great benefits for the individuals and families who get involved in the creation and distribution, particularly children and people struggling with mental health.

"It is a positive movement about spreading kindness and joy, promoting social connectedness, being crafty, getting outdoors, doing fun activities together, encouraging mindfulness and boosting self-esteem. It really is an activity everyone will enjoy."

- Hervey Bay Rocks via Facebook

Hear more about the kindness movement from Tasha in the catch up below, then head to the Hervey Bay Rocks Facebook page to get involved.