MYTH BUST: Is Pizza REALLY Healthier Than Cereal?

An experts opinion

18 June 2019

A study has come out that  according to some experts, pizza is actually a relatively healthy breakfast choice.

“You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN told The Daily Meal. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.”

“Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash,” Amer added.

Now to be clear, this doesn’t mean pizza is a healthier choice than all breakfast foods. But it is healthier than most sugary cereals. So go on. Eat the pizza.

After hearing this we spoke with local nutritionist Emma to see if this was actually the case her response was interesting: