New years is the perfect time to start a nursing career

TAFE Queensland can get you there

10 January 2020

Setting new year resolutions is about as cliché as it gets. But sometimes the cliché is just what you need, particularly if it involves studying towards the career you know you’ve always wanted… nursing!

With TAFE, you can get that ball rolling now. The last few places in their January 20 intake are still up for grabs. What’s that saying about the fish and the private chat? Oh, yeah… carpe diem!

Want to be inspired? Want to make an actual difference in people’s lives? Want mad bragging rights at the next family barbecue?

When you choose to become a nurse, you choose a career that will see you literally keep humans alive. That’s kinda the top of every day’s to-do list. Studying at TAFE Queensland, you learn how to do that in in state-of-the-art simulated nursing labs. There’s no sense of being thrown in the deep end when you graduate, because all TAFE Queensland student nurses do real-world training. You get to complete vocational placement, meaning you work alongside nursing teams, learning as you help treat their patients. It’s not just about advanced clinical theory; it’s about combining the important theory with the invaluable practical learning.

Have we mentioned the job prospects? 4 out of 5 nursing graduates gain employment within 3 months of graduation. Boom.

It's a new year, full of potential. The right time is now. Course starts January 20th.  They'll even accept your application up until February 14th!

See where TAFE can take you. Study online, at the Gold Coast campus or in mixed-mode to work around your lifestyle. Graduate as an Enrolled Nurse and start working in a diverse range of healthcare settings.

Got questions? Want to get your new career started in the new year?

Call 1300 308 233 or click here.

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