Over $8 Million Raised In Push For Better Mental Health

Pushing On

12 July 2021


The June Push-Up Challenge for mental health has come to an end, whilst the donations for the fundraiser have continued to grow.

The challenge was started by Nick Hudson and his mates trying to get fit for summer by completing 3000 push ups in a month. 

After Hudson underwent open heart surgery, his battle with depression ignited a passion to make the push up challenge into an annual event that raises awareness and funds for mental health.

Mental Health Push-Up Challenge: 

Now the push-up challenge encourages people to ‘push for better mental health’ by doing 3,318 push ups within 25 days. 

Each push up is supposed to represent the number of people who died by suicide in Australia in 2019.

Dungog High School was one amongst the many teams that participated in this challenge.

In fact, the school completed 78,565 push ups in total with the principal performing the first 30.

Their efforts raised over $11, 000 which contributed to the total $8, 813, 570 of funds raised in 2021.

The money goes towards supporting Headspace, Lifeline Australia and The Push For Better Foundation.

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