Plot Twist: Kylie Jenner Says She's Been Pretending To Be A Different Person This Whole Time

She's just like us!

28 October 2020

James Charles YouTube

Honestly, we still have our reservations over how genuine this confession is, but from the looks of things, she actually seems genuinely quirky!

KUWTK Queen Kylie Jenner appeared in an annual Halloween makeup video by none other than makeup guru James Charles

But, don't be fooled, this is no ordinary makeup tutorial people!

After James starts to do her makeup, the two of them begin to make small talk, something I'm pretty sure makeup tutorials don't usually do.

After talking about baby Stormi and what it's like being a mum, Kylie actually brings up how she's been pretending to be someone else this whole time and why it all started.

Again, sceptical, but after a close analysis from past to present Kylie, we can begin to see what she means.

As her fame has continued to rise, she has become a lot more polished and reserved in the limelight, and to be fair, we can kind of appreciate, as she confesses that she would actually prefer to be bullied by haters who think they know her rather than being trolled for being who she actually is...

And that is why we see a lot of this:

And not a lot of this:

Oft. That's really deep and we kinda have to respect that. 

But honestly, if the real Kylie is as fun as this friendly, quirky kinda girl we see in this video, please bring her back! 

The video is kinda long, so we suggest you start around 5 mins in and check it out below:

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