Prime Minister Scott Morrison Outlines Changes To JobKeeper

It has been extended.

21 July 2020

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has addressed the nation and explained the upcoming changes to the JobKeeper program.

From October, the JobKeeper wage subsidy for full-time workers will be reduced to $1200 a fortnight, while part-time workers will go down to $750 a fortnight. This replaces the previous $1500 fortnightly payment. 

JobKeeper has been extended until March 2021, but for the last quarter it will be reduced to $1000 for full-time workers and $650 for part-time.

A part-time worker is someone with 20 hours of work a week or less.

The JobSeeker COVID-19 supplement will drop from $550 to $250 a fortnight. Australians on this program will receive $800 a fortnight from October.

Have a listen to all the details here including changes to both JobKeeper and JobSeeker:

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