PSA: There's Such Thing As A Zooper Dooper Vending Machine And I OOP!

Prayers = answered

28 February 2020

Amber Lowther

There's nothing quite like a refreshing Zooper Dooper on a hot Aussie day & slicing your mouth open on the plastic so you resemble the Joker - ahh, good times.

In saying that, you should probably be aware of the fact that there is a ZOOPER FREAKING DOOPER VENDING MACHINE!

No, I'm not delusional. Yes, it's REAL! Twitter user @nvshemm shared a picture of the mystical vending machine:

Word on the street is you'll find the vending machine stocking the delicious Zoops at Castle Hill Metro station in Sydney and you can get your hands on one for just $1! Bargain buy!

The only question I have is, is there some sort of paper towel available to save us from frozen fingers? But on the other hand, if it's hot af outside, you probably won't mind losing feeling in your hands, right? Win/win.

Yaaaaaay Zoopies!!!

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