Put Down Your Lippie, Lady Gaga Is Releasing A Makeup Line!


9 July 2019

Even though it feels like every second celeb is releasing their own makeup line lately, when it comes to Lady Gaga, she doesn't care!

Gaga has unveiled her latest concoction from the Haus of Gaga... her beauty brand 'Haus Laboratories'.

In the video, Gaga states that the last thing the world needs is another beauty brand (no doubt something she was told) but by the looks of the palette and products she's going to be selling, this will go FLYING off the shelves.

Gaga also credits Bloodpop, Tchami and Boysnoiz as the creators of the music behind the video... which had us thinking, are we set to get a new single when the preorders for the makeup line open up on the 15th July? It is Gaga after all!

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