Queens Park Playground Ready for New Adventures

roll on good times!

7 December 2018

An exciting new addition to the Queens Park Margaret Street playground will be ready for climbing and sliding in mid-December 2018 and the kids are going to love it!

The latest edition to kids fun things to do at Queen’s Park is a seven-metre-high Pentaboo adding an extra sense of adventure to the popular playground.

The Pentaboo, is intended for use by children 12 years and older, the playground will provide hours of fun for children to safely climb and slide to their hearts’ content.

The additional new playground area will be opened in mid-December, and is all part of the Queens Park Master Plan Improvements Stage 5 works.

Additional major play items, including a flying fox, will be installed around the Pentaboo to increase play diversity and meet regional park delivery standards.

Let the fun begin!

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