Sleep With The Fan On? We Have Some Bad News…

Do you do this?

26 April 2019

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

There are those of us who LOVE to sleep with the fan on every night.

If it’s hot, it cools us down so we’re not sweating in a pit of hell all night long. There are even those of us who switch on the fan when it’s cool enough to go without it, because #fanislife. 

If that sounds like you, then we’ve got some bad news - your excessive fan use could be causing some terrible side effects for you. 

According to The Sleep Advisor, there are a few main reasons against sleeping with a fan on all night. 

Fan lovers, listen up!


If you don’t clean your fan, then some nasties are coming for you. Fans move air around your room (DUH) which means that it also carries all the pollen and dust floating around, too. If your asthma, hay fever, or allergies have been acting up, your fan might be to blame!

All the dust and particles can make their way into your sinuses and block them up, causing irritation and infection. 

Not only can the dust block up your sinuses, but the constant air can dry them out, meaning your body has to produce more mucus to balance it out 


Say Goodbye To Nice Skin

We do SO much to try and keep our skin moisturised and in tip top shape, but sleeping with the fan blasting our skin every night undos all that effort. 

The constant air can not only lead to dry skin, but also to dry mouth, eyes and major irritation, as many people sleep with their eyes or mouth partially open. 

While moisturisers might help to prevent this, you need to make sure you’re not over-drying your skin because of the fan use. 


You’re Going To Wake Up SORE

The breeze of a fan might feel nice as you fall asleep, but when you wake up in the morning you’re probably going to feel stiff and sore… 

By having a concentrated, cool stream of air blasting you all night, your muscles often tend to cramp and tense, especially around the face and neck. So, if you sleep with your fan on and wake up feeling stiff, you now know why… 

Of course, when it’s a bloody hot night, having a fan has benefits; air circulation stops the air getting stale, it keeps your mattress and body temp cooler, and the white noise and hum of the fan helps you fall asleep. 

But while there are benefits, you shouldn’t be sleeping with your fan on every night, especially if you have asthma, allergies, are prone to dry skin, or are sick! 


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