Small Business Operator Makes A Stand Against "Influencers"

"They're getting away with it!"

24 July 2019

CVT Soft Serve (Image: Facebook)

While the scurve of pesky Instagram "Influencers" has taken a bit of a hit lately, what with the new Instagram changes to hide 'likes', that hasn't stopped them annoying business owners for free product, in exchange for exposure on their social media platforms.

One small business owner, Joe Nicchi, has taken a stand against these irritating layabouts, exposing the extreme requests that he receives on a weekly basis.

There was a specific proposition, that tipped Joe over the edge...

Joe has had a lot of good karma from calling out the free-loading influencers, and feels like he's become a voice for other business owners.

For the whole chat with Joe Nicchi, from CVT Soft Serve, listen below!