So Apparently You've Been Saying IKEA Wrong Your Entire Life...

Stop everything!

5 March 2019

Ebony Reeves

While no one may actually know what IKEA translates to in English, the word means so much to each of us... it's an escape from reality, a place where everything is organised and aesthetic, and a hub for the world's best meatballs.

Or maybe you can better relate to Ryan Reynold's interpretation of what the iconic furniture store's name means... 

So how could a word that means so much to so many become so lost in translation? That's right, we've been lied to our entire lives!

Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović‏ exposed the truth during his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. 

Listen to the catch up below to find out the correct pronunciation... 

Let us know if you'll be changing the way you pronounce the Swedish furniture store in the Facebook comments.

In the meantime, all this talk of IKEA is making us crave the perfectly decorated display rooms and steaming hot Swedish meatballs...