SPOILER ALERT: Here's What Will Happen In ‘You’ Season Two According To The Book

Seriously, there are spoilers here.

1 February 2019

Entertainment News Team

'You' is one of the hottest (and creepiest) shows to drop on Netflix, and season two is already in production.

We’re going to assume you’ve watched the show, and are looking for spoilers about season two.

There are going to be a lot of spoilers in this article. 

If you’d like to find all of this out for yourself, you could read the book Hidden Bodies right now. 

So probably close this page now if you don’t want to know anything further.

OK, let’s go. 

You is based on a book by Caroline Kepnes, and it seems like season two will be based on the sequel Hidden Bodies. Season one followed the book pretty closely.  As we’ve already heard that season two will be set in Los Angeles and that Victoria Pedretti has been cast as a character called Love Quinn, we can assume that season two will stick close to the second book. 

First of all, the biggest change from the book in You is the ending. In the TV show, Joe’s missing girlfriend Candace suddenly appears in his bookstore. In the book, Candace is definitely dead. Joe drowned her at some point before You begins. The girl that appears at the end is Amy, who becomes his love interest in the beginning of Hidden Bodies. Beck is dead, and their shared therapist has been arrested for her murder. 

So, Amy. Who is she? She’s a girl that Joe falls deeply, obsessively in love with. But after a whirlwind romance, she steals all the rare books that they have been collecting together and runs away to Los Angeles. Unsurprisingly, Joe is furious. He packs up his life in New York and follows her to LA, where he plans to kill her. Classic Joe. 

However once Joe arrives in LA, he can’t find Amy. Instead he makes friends with some LA locals, and gets a job in a book shop. He follows some leads and meets a talk show host that he thinks is dating Amy, and ends up killing him. Of course. 

He roams around LA, trying to find Amy, and eventually meets a woman called Love Quinn. In the book, she is the daughter of a wealthy couple who own a chain of supermarkets. She very quickly falls for Joe, and introduces him to her family. She has a twin brother called Forty, who enlists Joe’s help in writing several screenplays. And she has an old family friend, Milo, who casts her as the lead in his movie, which infuriates Joe.

His relationships and over the top encounters with the Quinn family and their friends take over Joe's life, and he completely forgets about Amy. He thinks about murdering Forty and Milo. He does murder Delilah, a former fling who discovers some of his secrets, and Fincher, a suspicious cop.

Remember the mug of urine that Joe left in Peach’s house? It comes back to play in Hidden Bodies. Joe obsesses over it. He thinks about it all the time. Finally, once he realises that an investigation has been opened into Peach’s death, he flies back to the East Coast and stakes out her house. His attempts fail, but Love suddenly turns up and he decides to confess everything to her. Bizarrely, she doesn’t care. Instead she locks Joe in a motel bathroom and heads over to Peach’s house, where she poses as Peach’s ex-girlfriend and retrieves the mug. 

Joe randomly runs into Amy when he least expects it, towards the end of the book. And even though his entire trip to LA was fuelled by his thoughts of murdering her, he lets her go after a brief struggle.

In the end, Joe’s past catches up with him and he is arrested for the murders of Peach and Beck. A pregnant Love pays for his lawyer, and the book finishes with Joe in jail being questioned by detectives about his crimes.

There is a lot more to it than this – these are just the basics. It’s worth reading both You and Hidden Bodies to get a closer look at Joe’s warped mind. And we can't wait to see how some of this plays out on screen, and what changes are made!

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