Spread The Storm Season Message With The Bunker Down Gladstone Region Anthem!

Never forget

13 December 2018

Amber Lowther

As the Gladstone Region enters another storm season, residents will continue to sing the Bunker Down Gladstone Region anthem loud and clear – we are one community that won’t be beaten by cyclones or floods. 

Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said the Bunker Down Gladstone Region community video is a catchy way to spread the message about being prepared this storm season.

“If everyone prepares for severe weather, when it hits, our community will come out stronger than ever before; that’s the song’s main message,” Councillor Burnett said.

“The video proved to be hugely popular last year, which really showed we have a region that understands the importance of preparing for the storm season."


Residents can find advice on preparing for the storm season on Council’s website at www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/emergencies or at www.getreadyqld.gov.au