State Government MPs Are Needed To Help Southwest Avoid Jobs Apocalypse

It's time to change the MDBP...

6 September 2019

Georgie Marr

According to Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Murray MP Helen Dalton the South-West could potentially be facing a 'jobs and industry apocalypse' and is prompting other government MPs to join her at a rally, where they will be asking for changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan in Tocumwal on Thursday.

Mrs Dalton says water prices are changing dramatically and it is now affecting farming families.

“Irrigation water prices have jumped 140 per cent in the last 12 months along the Murray River... Every single day, another family farm is priced out of the market.”

- MP Helen Dalton

Mrs Dalton also says local businesses are now suffering as part of an ongoing domino affect.

"In turn, we’re seeing corner shops close. Retail, transport and tourism are all suffering in our small towns”.

- MP Helen Dalton

Without change to the MDBP, it is predicted the situation will not improve and will only worsen over time.

“The Lower Darling remains dry. So – to meet the MDBP environmental flow targets – more and more water will be sucked out of the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers”.

- MP Helen Dalton

At this point, the only hope the region has for action is if government representatives do their part, get involved and head down to support their community.

Mrs Dalton is calling for the likes of National MPs Steph Cooke, Wes Fang, Perrin Davey, Melinda Pacey and John Barilaro to hit the stage with her this Thursday at Tocumwal.

“Attending this rally would make them true heroes of the bush”.

- MP Helen Dalton