Stop Right Now, Adelaide Just Got It's First Yorkshire Pudding Themed Cafe

Jolly good.

28 September 2020

Looks like England is coming to Adelaide this year. 

This new cafe on Pirie Street appropriately named, British Food Indulge will be doing just that. 

We're talking everything from the iconic Yorkshire puddings to fish and chips soaked in vinegar to the full English brekkie, mashed peas, potatoes, black pudding (which is apparently sausage made out of congealed blood) and other strangely questionable English favourites.

Alas, the iconic and confusing Yorkshire puddings will be dished up with a South Aussie twist.

Do with that information as you will.

The English safe haven will be opening its doors to the public on Thursday 1 October, with a free Yorkshire pudding giveaway and apparently, there will be bagpipe entertainment if that sorta thing tickles your fancy.

You can find this English takeaway cafe at 6 Pirie Street, Adelaide.

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