Tahune Visitor's Centre Saved Overnight

No damage sustained to the main building

29 January 2019

Tahune Airwalk visitor's centre saved

Date: 29 Jan 2019 - 00:00Contact: DPFEM Media and Comms (media@dpfem.tas.gov.au)Phone: (03) 6230 8424

Firefighters were able to save the Tahune Airwalk visitor's centre from a sustained ember attack due to a nearby bushfire last night.

While the main building did not suffer any damage, smaller structures near the Airwalk were damaged or destroyed.

The Tasmania Fire Service is liaising with the operators to assess the damage today.

The Southwood wood processing site was also damaged by fire late yesterday.

Tasmania Fire Service and Sustainable Timber Tasmania crews were initially able to put out spot fires in log heaps, sawdust piles and wood waste.

However, a fuel storage shed and chemical storage areas were damaged.

Sawdust in a sawdust hopper also caught fire.

Embers have melted plastic roofing sheets on a larger building.

Crews were able to enter the building to put out these fires until conditions on the site were deemed too unsafe and crews were forced to relocate to a safer area.

The extent of the damage at the site is uncertain at this stage and will be assessed when safe to so.

See the pictures, provided by the Tas Fire Service