Tasmanian Drivers Have Been Crowned The WORST In The Country For This...

Do you agree?

5 December 2018

Ebony Reeves

Today AAMI released a crash index revealing the most common car accident types across Australia, and according to the study, Tassie drivers are the biggest culprits in the country for hitting other parked cars! 

*All Tassie drivers pretending to be surprised like we've never done that before...*

With over 8,000 crashes on Tasmanian roads in the last financial year, 1 in 3 were due to collision with a stationary object.

But it's alright! At least we weren't pulled up as the worst for failing to give way (NSW... duh), or collisions with animals (NT more than doubled this national average, eek!)

But on a serious note, according to AAMI spokesperson Ashleigh Paterson, many of these accidents are avoidable if drivers focus their attention more on their surroundings. 

If you are behind the wheel of a car, you should be concentrating on what’s in front of you, what’s happening around you, and driving to the conditions. Taking your eyes off the road for just a split second can have devastating consequences and even the smallest distraction can be deadly. It’s just not worth the risk.

- Ashleigh Paterson

So in the spirit of safe driving, here's a couple tips from AAMI to help you avoid another situation like this one...

1. Avoid distractions likes mobiles and digital devices

2. Expect the unexpected from other occupants on the road

3. Leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you

For more information on the index or on safe driving, head to www.aami.com.au