That Folate Supplement You’re Taking Might Be Doing More Harm Than Good

Pregnancy Nutrition With An Expert

6 December 2018


Sooo I’m Up The Duff at current, which means that unfortunately (or fortunately?) for you I’m biased about topics. By that I mean if I get a nutrition in for a chat- I want to talk about what I should be eating- because I’m selfish and it’s my show. I asked the beautiful, amazing, incredible (and also pregnant) Sheridan Joy Austin to have a chat with me about ALL things nutrition. Everything from what we should be eating before we fall pregnant to what our children should be eating now (that they’re assholes and only want to eat cheese out of a bag). BUT because that’s A LOT of information to cover and we didn’t have that long- we didn’t make it past the pregnancy bit (so be prepared for a Part 2 and 3 etc…).

Sheridan has worked for and written recipes for the likes of Changing Habits, Bulletproof and Keep It Cleaner just to name a few. SO, she’s kind of a big deal. Sheridan is also not strictly a Nutritionist; she is also a GAPs Practitioner. Not sure what the hell that is? You are not alone. GAPs stands for Gut And Psychology. Essentially it’s about healing the gut to heal the mind (the connection between the two will astound you). For example, people with high anxiety, depression, ADD or other similar mental issues have been found to find huge relief (or even complete healing) from their disorders by simply healing the gut. We will absolutely dive into this more on another episode! I promise! (Because I NEED to know more. I’m so snoopy).

So what’s the deal with worrying about our nutrition once we have a baby up us? Well according to Sheridan we have the potential to turn on particular genes whilst we are in the child-designing process. How do we do this? Our nutrition. By eating inflammatory foods our immune system becomes compromised and basically- our body starts doing dodgy things. This isn’t just human incubators by the way, this is everyone. But when you’re pregnant- this no longer just concerns YOUR health but also your future child’s. No pressure or anything, but how you treat your body and your mind throughout the whole child-making thing (no, not just the sexy bit) determines their health once they have said “See ya never” to your womb.

Did you know that the Folate supplement you’re taking is probably doing more harm than good? Or that you can get rid of 90% of your supplement cupboard just by adding certain foods to your diet and eliminating others? Yah, imagine the dollars you could save just by eating more green shit. Sheridan basically came in like those two guys out of Myth Busters and just busted nutrition myths left, right and centre. Which is great, because I love a good busted myth. If you’re in suspense, then I have done my bloody job. Listen to my latest podcast now to learn all about how we can EASILY prepare our body to help make a healthy-as-heck human.


Also, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review my podcast so that I can be all obnoxious and top charts and shit.

AND if you want to stalk Sheridan (which you do, of course) you can find her on The ‘Gram at @sheridanjoyaustin or on her webby (short for website, because who has time to write website? Surely not me) at