The Meaning Behind This Message Is Not What Hughesy Thought!

Who wrote it?

30 July 2018

After being away in Montreal for a week, Hughesy discovered a letter in his jacket which he assumed was written by his seven-year-old daughter, Sadie, for him.

The letter read “I will miss you Sadie”. Hughesy posted the letter to Instagram overwhelmed by the beautiful note saying “Not till I got home did I find this in the jacket I took away. It was hot in Montreal! #sweet7yoSadie” 

As beautiful as this note is, it’s not what Hughesy thought…

Listen to the audio below.

It appears the note was written by one of her friends for Sadie.

Hughesy cleared up the mix up on Instagram “Just been informed by 7yo Sadie that her friend Hannah wrote that not to her. Sadie has no idea how it ended up in my jacket.”