The NAB Central Coast Italian Festival Is Back!

SAVE THE DATE! April 6th-7th

4 March 2019

April 6th and 7th- The Galleria Ettalong Beach 

Enjoy the 10th annual NAB Central Coast Italian Festival at the stunning Mediterranean Resort located in the heart of Ettalong Beach.

The jam packed weekend promises to tantalise your taste buds with a stack of entertainment and celebration of Italian Culture. 

With a huge array of Italian food, culture, music and stalls, the NAB 2019 Central Coast Italian Festival is the perfect way to spend your weekend indulging in all things Italian... bellissimo!


MR GEORGE VUMBACA- Italian Vocalist/DJ-he gets everyone up and dancing to popular Italian & English songs

PASTA EATING COMPETITION WITH A TWIST thanks to La Fiamma Pizzeria- Put your hand up to join in the fun of this competition - be warned you may need a bib!

DUO COPANELLO- Opera Singers ‘Steam Diva & Dr Lucifer’ sing up a storm

ACCORDIONS ALFRESCO- A dozen accordions playing traditional Italian musica - you’ll be twirling to the tarantella

MR SAM PELLEGRINOItalian Musician and Singer - sings all the classic Italian folk song

MR ANTONIO DI PLACIDO- conjuring up magic to wow the audience

GELATO LICKING COMPETITION- sponsored by Pure Gelato- beware the ‘brain freeze’!

DUO COPANELLO - Opera Singers ‘Steam Diva & Dr Lucifer’ in a hot performance

D’ABRUZZE ITALIAN CHOIR- The angelic voices of Italian singers on the grand staircase

TUSCANY UNTOUCHED TRAVEL PRESENTATION- A journey into the beauty of the Tuscany region with video, photographs and a splendid narration by your Guide

PLUS  wandering through the resort

LINDA BAGNELL & HER MAREMMA DOGS- Linda talks on the Italian breed of dog-the Mareema and introduces visitors to the gorgeous puppies

WALTER & HIS ACCORDION - Travelling through the piazzas playing Italian musican

ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ART- Wander throughout the resort to view copies of Italian Renaissance Masterpieces painted directly onto the walls of the building by artist Simon Sewell 

ITALIAN STALLHOLDERS - huge variety offering Italian products

VINO (Wine), BIRRA (Beer) stalls by Bar La Fiamma, Bar Toto, Young and Rashleigh, plus Direct Wine Cellars

DELICIOUS DESSERTS - Caneloni & Crostoli by The Crostoli King and Sasa Bakery

PASTA by Tuscany Untouched and WOOD FIRED PIZZA by Pizza Nights

ANTIPASTO by Goose on the Loose, Toto’s Trattoria and The Really Stuffed Olive

BBQ’D Meats by John’s BBQ Express and Lazy Llama Souvlakic

FRESH ITALIAN BREAD 7 PASTRIES by Sasa Bakery and Brasserie Bread 

What: 2019 NAB Central Coast Italian Festival

When: April 6th-7th

Where: Ettalong Beach Tourist Resort

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