There's Been An '80 Per Cent' Drop In Plastic Bag Waste Since The Bag Ban

Just over three months!

3 December 2018

While the plastic bag ban caused much controversy in its implementation this year, it has been estimated that the change is already causing quite a dent in terms of environmental impact.

Research today has estimated that 1.5 billion bags have been prevented from going into the environment in the three-odd months since the introduction in July this year.

This translates to an 80 per cent drop in the consumption of plastic bags across Australia, according to the National Retail Association.

Dominique Lamb from the National Retail Association told the Hit Newsroom that it's great news for the environment.

"What we know now is that most consumers have reduced their actual use of bags by up to 80 per cent, with some retailers reporting that 90 per cent of consumers are no longer using re-usable plastic bags," she said.

"This year, Christmas is set to be one of the biggest we've seen yet, with billions of dollars spent around the country.

"And what we know is that consumers are just getting on board and bringing their own bags to the store."