These Are Melbourne's Most Dangerous Train Station Escalators

Parliament takes the cake

10 December 2018

If you’ve ever worried you weren’t going to make it to one of Melbourne’s inner-city train platforms without taking a tumble, you’re not alone. 

More than 600 escalator incidents have occurred over the past decade in Melbourne’s CBD tunnels – and Parliament station was the scene of the most falls.

Parliament station is thought to have the longest escalators in the southern hemisphere, and the study found  the lighting, colours and layout of the space might be distracting passengers.

Now a new passenger safety campaign will be launched, targeting passengers at Parliament Station and Melbourne central. 

Upgrades will also be made, including anti-slip floor treatments and improved lighting.

RMIT researchers analysed the reports and found:

44 PER CENT of people fell back when travelling upwards on a moving escalator;

22 PER CENT of people fell forward on a downward moving escalator;

28 PER CENT fell down mid escalator despite already having a solid footing.

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