These are the 10 Happiest Songs of All Time But We Beg to Differ

We've made some adjustments

30 November 2020

You may have a certain song that you blast in the car before you head into work or one song that can always improve your mood without fail. It turns out there are songs that are better at improving moods than others.

A Dutch cognitive neuroscientist named Dr. Jacob Jolij found the formula of songs that made people feel the happiest after listening. He found that songs that were faster than an average song, around 140-150 BPM were better mood lifters, songs that were in a major key, and ones that told stories of happy events, or ones that were about complete nonsense had a higher success rate of making the listener feel happier.

He compiled a list of the top 10 happiest songs ever created, we agree with some, however, we made a few adjustments of our own:

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