This Easy Test Will Tell You Exactly How Much Sleep You Need


12 November 2020

Sometimes you get a full 10 hours sleep and feel terribly tired, and other times you get five and are bursting with energy... So what's the deal? How much sleep do we really need?! 

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society, you should conduct your own sleeping experiment over a course of three weeks. 

"Go to bed when you're tired, wake up spontaneously when you feel rested. Then assess how you feel during the day, how you perform during the day," AASM president told Seattle Times

We know, we know, you have a job, which may make this little experiment a bit tough... but if you can just try to go to bed when you feel tired, no matter how early, and it should work as a massive help to your energy levels. 

AASM also said that caffeine may disguise the feeling of fatigue, but it still doesn't erase the health effect of not getting enough sleep. Soz coffee lovers!

Now you know how much sleep you need, here's why you dream:

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