This Is How To Set The Radio As Your Alarm On All Your Smart Devices

Hit the alarm!

10 October 2019

Do you miss the days where you'd be woken up by your clock radio playing your favourite radio station?

It turns out there's a lot of easy ways to set The Fox as your alarm on your smart devices. 

Click through to find out how to wake up with Fifi, Fev & Byron:


There's a simple way to get your iPhone to open up the Fox app every morning! Click here to find out how to do it

Amazon Alexa

Do you have an Amazon Alexa or Echo Dot device? You could be waking up to the sounds of your favourite tunes on The Fox every morning. Click here to find out more

Google Home

Are you a Google devotee with a Google Home in your house? Click here to find out how to wake up with Fifi, Fev & Byron. 

Find out how you can listen to The Fox on your Smart Speaker here.