This Is Why Your Dog Likes To Lick You All The Time

Woof woof!

15 January 2021

Our doggy friends love to give us a lick every now and again - but have you ever questioned why they actually do that?

It turns out there are a few reasons why dogs like to lick their owners. 

According to Victoria Stilwell from Animal Planet, you will often see puppies licking their mother's mouths. This is a kind of submissive gesture, which they carry over to their owners!

"The more subordinate members of a pack will lick the more dominant members and that's important in maintaining pack harmony," Victoria explains. 

That's not the only reason dogs lick. Dogs definitely enjoy the salty taste of your skin, and you'll also be pleased to know that it's generally a sign of affection. Plus they also just enjoy it!

Victoria says, "Licking releases pleasurable endorphins which gives dogs a feeling of comfort and pleasure — like the feeling people get when they are biting their nails — it relieves stress."

If you are sick of your dog licking you all the time, the best way to stop it is to simply ignore them. If they stop getting a positive response from licking they will usually give up!

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