This Loving Farmer Proposed To His Girlfriend With The Engagement Ring Attached To A Cow's Udder

People are not amoosed

7 August 2019

Carly Heading

That's it i'm ring shaming facebook

There's nothing we love more than a true love story… but umm… this one we aren’t too sure about.

This story is going viral and you are about to see why!

A farmer decided to take the next step with his girlfriend and popped the question… and well, he thought he was being next-level romantic and put the engagement ring on a cow's udder.

The story was shared online, and naturally, because it’s the Internet in 2019, the comments were pretty wild and shared a pun or two.

With one user saying, "This is UDDERLY terrible. Sorry had to go for it. But really this is gross."

Another saying, "How dairy propose like that?!"

The comments def didn't stop... they were not amoosed at all… “The person is a farmer. Still doesn’t excuse his bad taste. And is this considered a nipple ring?

“If my eyeballs are forced to suffer through this nonsense I'm dragging everyone down with me.”

LOL but like… if they are happy, we are happy!

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