Tim And Jess Swap Animal Attack Horror Stories

Beware of long-neck animals!

9 July 2019

Georgie Marr

Time Magazine

It's that time of year again, when tourists flood to Pamplona, Spain to run in front of or alongside, a herd of gigantic bulls with unreasonably sharp horns. 

Yup! It's the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival and as you can imagine, things got a little out of hand. 

46 year-old American tourist, Jaime Alvarez was taken down and gored in the neck by a 6-ton bull during the first run of the festival. Alvarez was rushed to hospital and straight into surgery where he was told by doctors that he was lucky to have survived the ordeal. 

Needless to say, Alvarez met his match and has vowed to spectate the event from a safe distance from now on. 

This morning, Tim confessed to Jess that he too, has been chased down by agro animals and wanted to hear from listeners who may have similar horror stories. 

Tune into the full catch-up below for hilarious stories about agro animals on the loose!