Tim & Jess RACE To Win A Hotel Room On Their Summer Is Coming Camping Tour!

Who got the luxury room?

15 November 2018

Amber Lowther

It's Day 2 of the Tim & Jess Summer Is Coming tour, and to celebrate, they ended up getting 2 flat tyres on the RV! But that's not all...they raced for the chance to win a night in a luxury hotel room.

You see, camping isn't necessarily glamorous. It means being surrounded by elements. Elements that you don't really care to be surrounded by. Like, moving insect elements. And lots of heat. 

For Jess, a night in a hotel room would be PERFECT - just what she needs! But to win, she had to race Tim on a Kymera Body Board to get the keys to the gorgeous Lagoons 1770. Which makes their RV look like it's been pulled from the depths of a junk car yard.

But there could only be ONE winner! The winner was about to have a beautiful sleep with aircon, fresh hotel bed sheets, a beautiful swimming pool to take a dippity dip in, and, a relaxing shower with all of the soaps, washes, shampoos that make hotels fabulous.

Now, who won, you ask? Check out the video below to see who got to spend the night in a luxury hotel room!

Missed Day 2? Check out Tim & Jess' adventures in Tannum Sands: