Time To Break Up With Your Phone Provider?

New Year, New Phone Plan!

23 December 2020

In Association With Optus

When's the last time you REALLY looked at your phone bill. 

If you’ve had your service for a while, it might be worth revisiting exactly what you’re getting.

Optus invite everyone to get into YES OPTUS Shop 34 BENDIGO MARKETPLACE, and get a health check on your account.

If you’re with Optus, they may have offers available on your account exclusive to you.

If you aren’t with Optus you can bring in your latest bill from any other provider and they can have a look to see if Optus can offer you better value. 

Tap to listen:

If you are unsure of what exactly you are after, or if you need us to help point you in the right direction then feel free to call The Optus Bendigo Team on (03) 4433 4800.

Not only can Optus support you over the phone, but if you are looking for a contactless solution, then Optus may also be able to process orders over the phone for you as well.

This is a great initiative Optus has taken to help social distancing in the community whilst still looking after you.

Call YES OPTUS Shop 34 BENDIGO MARKETPLACE during business hours on (03) 4433 4800.