Toowoomba Regional Council Says "NO" To Plastic

looks at ways to reduce waste

21 July 2018


Toowoomba Regional Council has taken a major step towards minimising harm to the environment by looking at ways to reduce the usage of plastic items in the organisation.

At its Ordinary Meeting of Council on 17 July, Council voted in favour of exploring options to remove plastic straws, helium balloons and single-use plastic bottles.

Water and Waste Committee Chair Cr Nancy Sommerfield was glad that the Council decision to look at opportunities to reduce waste is now a focus in the organisation.

“The time for action has come and this is an opportunity to set an example for our entire Toowoomba Region,” Cr Sommerfield said.

“It’s vital we take a holistic approach and in future not only ban these items from use throughout our organisation but also look at opportunities to reduce waste at Council events.

“As an organisation we have already started the process but I am putting the challenge out to our staff to find new or improved ways to recycle in the work environment.”

Council officers will investigate options and implications for banning items such as plastic straws, helium balloons and single-use plastic bottles and bring this back to a future Council information session.

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