Vance Joy Shares His Best Relationship Advice With The People Of Perth

"I'm not an expert..."

21 September 2018

@vancejoy Instagram via @bradcauchy

Today, The Wedding That Perth Builds took place and Amy and Jamie tied the knot not only in front of their family and friends, but in front of everyone in Perth.

Love is definitely in the air right now and so, when Heidi and Ryan spoke to Vance Joy this morning, they couldn't help but ask him if he had any advice for the newly married couple.

He said he wasn't an expert on the subject, however, Vance Joy did share this lovely message for Amy and Jamie:

"I hope that your life together is full of love and that you're there for each other every day."

Have a listen to the full interview below where Vance shares his best relationship advice with Heidi and Ryan:

Missed Heidi, Xavier and Ryan this morning? Download the Hit app on iTunes or Google Play and catch up now!