Watch The Hollywood Moment That Happened In The Burdekin Yesterday

We’re not in Kansas anymore…

17 November 2019

Carley Whittington

Facebook: Oz Cyclone Chasers

It legitimately looks like a scene out of a hollywood movie, more specifically The Wizard of Oz, but it was a reality for locals in the canefields of the Burdekin on Sunday.

Local lady Kathy Grabbi captured the moment on Sunday arvo while driving between Home Hill and Ayr.

Oz Cyclone Chasers shared the viral video and have labelled the event as a ‘dust devil’, and posted ‘large ones like can be strong enough to cause minor structural damage to buildings.’

The post was quickly followed by hundreds of comments with many saying they’ve seen smaller versions quite often across North Queensland.

“So glad my house is nowhere near that empty cane paddock,” one wrote, and another commented “Holy Moly…That’s the biggest dust storm I’ve ever seen!”

Another comment suggested that oldies would say that this kind of weather event is usually followed by thunderstorms…we’ll wait and see!

Watch it now!