We Chat To The OG DOLLY Doctor About The Sealed Section & All Things Sex Ed!

An Aussie icon

20 June 2021

Amber Lowther

This morning on the show, Cliffo & Gabi were joined by the original DOLLY Doctor, Dr Melissa Kang, who shared why it's so important for young people to have a space to go to for their questions and whether there were any that they couldn't publish!

DOLLY magazine was an Aussie icon, ran for 46 years, and was the go-to for young women for sex education with the popular sealed section.

To kick things off, we relived some old entries like, can you damage your reproductive system if you jet ski without a wetsuit?...But seriously, can you? 

Then we dived into all things DOLLY Doctor: Dr Kang's career, how she got the gig and sex ed today. 

We've come a loooong way since a condom on a banana and a tampon in a bottle of water!

Missed the chat? Find out all about DOLLY Doctor from Dr Melissa Kang and how it all worked: