PSA: We've Found The Secret To Increase Your Dating App Success By 144%

Cause why the heck not?

3 January 2020

Eve Swain

For anyone who isn't already in some kind of ewwy gooey long term relationship, the rest of us have all either become introverted recluses or we eventually try to online date.

AKA you swipe until you find a half-decent individual who peaks some kind of interest. Then you might match and if you're LUCKY someone will ask you, "Hey, how are you?".

Then ultimately the other person never replies, your interaction dies there, along with a piece of your soul and the cycle continues until you find yourself in a bathroom on a night out relating to every other lonely bastard.

In a nutshell: if you're not interesting, you won't get anywhere.

It's a marathon people, not a sprint.

And heaven almighty knows I'm no good at both so, here is a secret tip we've found for those who have no idea how to date.

A dating website, Zoosk, completed a huge study in 2018, which showed that food references have the greatest success in dating apps.

Food words. I mean, of course, smh.

To be more specific using the word 'guacamole' increases your inbound messages by 144% (yes, one-hundred-and-forty-bloody-four).

According to Dating expert, Iona Yeung Arratia the key is making your profile stand out from the crowd and provoking conversation.

After further research, we found that guacamole wasn't the only attention-grabbing food. Potatoes reportedly resulted in a 101 per cent increase in messages, and chocolate sat right behind spuds at 100 per cent.

My guac has literally brought no boys to the yard, so let us know in the comments what has or hasn't worked for you!

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