What Your Chocolate Choice Says About You

Happy World Chocolate Day!

6 July 2017

Holly Fallon

Happy World Chocolate Day my coco bunnies! It’s a chance for us all to unite in sweet, sweet appreciation of our guilty pleasures.

But have you ever stopped to wonder what your chocolate says about you?

Put the block down for 5 minutes and read the below…

Milk chocolate

Fun fact: It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make 450 grams of chocolate - that’s nearly one bean per gram!

Favoured by: A crowd pleaser.

They like: Gossip, fashion and pop culture.

It says: If you were in a romantic American comedy you would most likely be “prom queen/king”. You need everyone to love you, but you don’t necessarily love everyone. You say what people want to hear and that’s why crowds always surround you.

White Chocolate

Fun fact: White Chocolate isn't technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.

Favoured by: The young at heart

They like: Netflix, magazines and animals.  

It says: You don’t want to grow up! You find it hard to say no to friends because you don’t want to miss out and end up with FOMO. You’re a big, sweet, softy at heart and usually take a long time to figure our your direction in life.


Dark Chocolate

Fun fact: Eating dark chocolate every day reduces your risk of heart disease by one-third.

Favoured by: Lover of the finer things in life

They like: Travel, baths, yoga. 

It says: You are the ultimate pamper queen! A night in would involve snuggling up on the couch with an exquisite foreign film with red wine or if you’re out, we’ll find you at the trendiest restaurant where all the celebrities are seen swallowing oysters and caviar.

Extra Dark

Fun fact: Because you’re clearly healthy… scientists could reduce the fat in chocolate by 20% by passing it through an electric field.

Favoured by: The health conscious

They like: kale smoothies, documentaries and outdoors

Life motto:  You love being out and about and staying active! You’re the organiser within your friend group and are the one they turn to when they need advice with a “tough love” approach. You love to look good and feel great and preach your latest nutrition advice to anyone that will listen!

OR if you don’t like chocolate…

Favoured by: The tasteless.