What's Ok To Say To A Woman In A Bikini?

Should you say anything?

25 February 2019

Amber Lowther

This morning on the show, Mak & Lachy chatted with Lise & Sarah from Those Two Girls about a topic that was brought up on their show this morning.

Lise was on the beach in a bikini where an older man said something super simple but flattering to her.

So, what did he say, you ask? A simple, "looking good, mate"

The 'mate' part definitely diffuses any possibly creepiness, which made us think, what's actually appropriate to say to a woman in a bikini? 

Is it a generational thing? Should a man say anything at all to a random woman in a bikini? Let us know on our Facebook page! 


Missed the chat? Listen to Mak & Lachy chat to Lise & Sarah here: