Women With Lots Of House Plants Are Happier & Live Longer

*Transforms house into mini-forest*

13 June 2019

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

Adulting is hard, but looking after house plants can be one of the hardest things of all. 

If you don’t water it on time and give it the proper attention it needs, it shrivels up quicker than the snap of your fingers. 

While many of us might give up on bringing plants into the home, it turns out that it actually does you a lot of good if you can keep them alive!

According to research from Harvard University, women who are surrounded by plants actually live longer and are happier!

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham Women’s Hospital conducted research over eight years to conclude that women live longer when surrounded by vegetation. 

The increased longevity was attributed to increased opportunities for social engagement and physical activity (getting outdoors amongst nature), and less air pollution. 

The same also goes for having indoor plants, which increase productivity lower your blood pressure, boost your mental health, and produce cleaner air to live with. 

Peter James, a research associate from the Harvard Chan School Department of Epidemiology, said of the study, “We were surprised to observe such strong associations between increased exposure to greenness and lower mortality rates.

“We were even more surprised to find evidence that a large proportion of the apparent benefit from high levels of vegetation seems to be connected with improved mental health.”

Some other benefits of living amongst vegetation were that it lowers the risk of cancer and respiratory diseases, and lowers depression, and researchers found that women who live in greener areas exercised more, socialised more, and were exposed to less air pollution. 

Surround yourself with plants, it’s good for you. 


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