Workout Wednesday with Josiah and Herbie

Anytime Fitness, Anytime!

20 May 2020

Damien Willoughby

Lockdown! Netflix! Snacking! Winter! All points to one thing!


If you're looking to keep active and stay healthy, Josiah and Herbie have got you covered with Workout Wednesday!

Each Wednesday at 12noon, join the team on Hit Goulburn Valley Facebook for a lockdown workout with Anytime Fitness!

If you missed the LIVE video, or are looking to give it another go, check out the videos below! 


Remember! Warm up, sweat it out, cool down and wash your hands!

Workout Wednesday Week 2

Workout Wednesday Week 1

Connect with Hit 96.9 on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with Josiah and Herbie.