Yes, This Milo Thickshake Is Topped With An Actual Doughnut And Burger


15 January 2020

Eve Swain


Ok, so we've heard of some pretty extravagant thickshakes that have been created, but nothing compares to one of these bad boys. 

Like, literally nothing.

It is our pleasure to introduce you this masterpiece from 50SIXONE which doesn't seem to have an official name yet so we are going to call it, the ultimate thickshake. 

This drool-worthy beverage Milo and Malteser flavoured thickshake. Decorated with chocolate rimmed and Milo dipped glass, layered with whipped cream, a sprinkles chocolate doughnut, wafer sticks, marshmallows, Maltesers and topped with a 50sixone mini cheeseburger.

Your eyes do not deceive you, there is an actual burger and doughnut attached to this frozen treat. 

We don't know how long the shake will be in store so, we suggest if you want to try it before it disappears, you will need to get in stat!

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