You Can Get A Puzzle With Your BFF's Face On It So You Never Have To Do A Puzzle Alone Again

Solve all those iso feels!

23 April 2020

Eve Swain

Just when you thought you were getting sick of puzzles, or just sick of doing them at home alone, we discovered this.

You can actually get your BBF's face or anything you want really, printed onto a jigsaw puzzle.

Honestly, what a bloody gamechanger.

You could even get matching BFF puzzle sets and have each other faces on them.

What a perfect iso present!

Alternatively, if you just wanna treat yo' self you could also opt to print an adorable pic of your dog or cat or anything instead! 

The puzzles range from kid-friendly 35 pieces set to the jigsaw guru 1000 piece set. 

So, if you think you've run out of puzzles to do, fear not, you can now create your own through this website.

The possibilities are endless!

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