You Could Get Paid To Eat Nothing But Pasta And Chips

It's for science!

11 July 2019

Entertainment News Team

It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. 

A vitamin company is looking to recruit three members of the public to each nothing but “beige” foods such as pasta and chips for a whole month, while also taking their one-a-day multivitamin. 

UK company Feel will pay candidates £5,000 ($AU8,980) each “to prove that our multivitamin is effective in delivering 18 key vitamins and minerals.” 

They’re searching for people don't currently eat a balanced diet, and they need to be over the age of 18. 

The application page explains, “As a ‘vitamin tester’, you will need to continue to eat a non-balanced diet for 30 days, consisting of mostly ‘beige’ foods like white bread, chicken, eggs, pasta and rice, under the ongoing supervision of a qualified nutritionist and doctor, who will make sure you’re meeting your individual required calorie and macro targets.

“We will test the nutrient levels of the successful applicants before they begin the month research period, and then afterwards, to see whether the multivitamin was effective in generating healthy nutrient levels.”

Think you've got what it takes to eat an unhealthy diet? Find out more HERE.

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