Your Favourite Puppies And Pancakes Event Is Coming Back To Brisbane

There's nothing like it!

7 June 2017

QUT Guild's Puppies and Pancakes event is on again in 2017!

The event aims to support students' mental health during the busy exam period. Recent findings by the National Youth Mental Health Foundation found that over 70% of university students report high or very high levels of psychological stress, with one in three students saying they have contemplated self-harm or suicide.

Puppies and Pancakes is working to fight stress by providing puppies, pancakes, petting zoos, games and massages on campus. And it turns out the students aren't the only ones who enjoy it - the puppies love it too.

“We try to interact with the puppies as much as possible in the shelter but this is great for them to get used to different people and lots of them,” AWLQ Spokesperson, Adam Waldron said.


GP: 8th and 21st June

KG: 13th and 15th June


GP: P Block Lawn (near Goodwill Bridge)

KG: A Block Lawn


GP: 10am – 3pm

KG: 10am – 3pm

Get all the details on Facebook.